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Condo & Apartment Rentals
in Syracuse, NY
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Onondaga Boulevard Senior Apartment
4624 Onondaga Blvd
Syracuse, New York, 13219
(315) 422-0347
Drumlin Heights Apts
3490 Meadowbriar Ln Baldwinsville
Syracuse, New York, 13027
(315) 635-7346
Bluefield Manor
516 Bluefield Mnr Auburn
Syracuse, New York, 13021
(315) 258-8575
Terwilliger Stephen Apartments
4287 Us Route 11 Cortland
Syracuse, New York, 13045
(607) 753-6556
Rugby Square Apartments
212 Dorchester Ave Ste 1a
Syracuse, New York, 13203
(315) 437-1398
Tempest Firico Towers LLC
3809 Luker Rd Cortland
Syracuse, New York, 13045
(607) 753-7414
James Park East Apts
915 James St Apt B14
Syracuse, New York, 13203
(315) 472-3135
Hidden Valley Apts
123 Remington Ave
Syracuse, New York, 13210
(315) 475-7061
Northwood Apts
1015 7th Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13088
(315) 451-4397
Candlelight Lane Apts
4475 Candlelight Ln Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13090
(315) 457-6200
Westwood Apartment Company
109 Whedon Rd Apt 8
Syracuse, New York, 13219
(315) 487-8921
Mount St James Apts
338 Jamesville Ave Ofc
Syracuse, New York, 13210
(315) 478-0731
Nob Hill Apts
101 Lafayette Rd
Syracuse, New York, 13205
(315) 469-5036
Bernardine Apartments
417 Churchill Ave
Syracuse, New York, 13205
(315) 378-0075
Bishop Harrison Apartments
300 Pond St Ste 6403
Syracuse, New York, 13208
(315) 476-8630
Bennett Manor Senior Apts
100 Bennett Manor Dr East
Syracuse, New York, 13057
(315) 437-4864
M & D Apartments
17 Central Ave Cortland
Syracuse, New York, 13045
(607) 756-9686
Hanover Square Lofts
134 E Genesee St
Syracuse, New York, 13202
(315) 472-7104
Maplewood Garden Apartments
115 Croyden Ln
Syracuse, New York, 13224
(315) 446-0846
Home Senior Apartments
45 Cortland St Homer
Syracuse, New York, 13077
(607) 749-4016
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