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Condo & Apartment Rentals
in Syracuse, NY
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Sol Way Apartments
309 Driscoll Ave
Syracuse, New York, 13204
(315) 488-0797
Syr Hab Ltd
301 Columbus Ave
Syracuse, New York, 13210
(315) 476-1381
Heritage Park Apartments
4353 Heritage Dr Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13090
(315) 622-2388
Hanover Square Lofts
134 E Genesee St
Syracuse, New York, 13202
(315) 472-7104
Golden Legacy Apartments
7 Legacy Dr Baldwinsville
Syracuse, New York, 13027
(315) 635-6290
Maplewood Garden Apartments
115 Croyden Ln
Syracuse, New York, 13224
(315) 446-0846
Norstar Apts
4784 Norstar Blvd Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13088
(315) 457-0250
Kellars Lane Apts
100 Kellars Ln Apt F1 Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13088
(315) 457-6036
Cleveland School Apartments
340 Winton St
Syracuse, New York, 13203
(315) 422-0475
Providence House Apts
1700 W Onondaga St
Syracuse, New York, 13204
(315) 471-8427
Home Senior Apartments
45 Cortland St Homer
Syracuse, New York, 13077
(607) 749-4016
Schwartz Towers
90 North St Auburn
Syracuse, New York, 13021
(315) 253-4947
Village Green Apts
100 Village Blvd S Baldwinsville
Syracuse, New York, 13027
(315) 638-0249
Watertree of Dewitt Condominiums
6540 Kirkville Rd
East Syracuse, New York, 13057
(315) 437-1426
Redfield Village Apts
380 Salt Springs St Fayetteville
Syracuse, New York, 13066
(315) 637-8280
Eastpointe & Centerpointe Apts
198 E Albany St Oswego
Syracuse, New York, 13126
(315) 342-2922
Bennett Manor Senior Apts
100 Bennett Manor Dr East
Syracuse, New York, 13057
(315) 437-4864
Frontenac Genesee Apts Maintenance
1802 W Genesee St
Syracuse, New York, 13204
(315) 484-1054
Center Pointe Apartment Homes
8927 Center Pointe Dr Baldwinsville
Syracuse, New York, 13027
(315) 638-3801
Covered Bridge Apts
850 Vine St Liverpool
Syracuse, New York, 13088
(315) 457-9539
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